Thursday, January 11, 2024

Attention Span Or Lack Thereof

I wrote my novels a quarter of a century ago and I doubt I would be able to that today.  Since the turn of the millennia, I have become a victim of the internet.  Facebook, X (Formerly known as Twitter), Google, IM, YouTube, etc., has reduced my attention space to mere minutes.  If I can't get the gest of an article or book in a few minutes, I move on.  Even mysteries and trillers are now read in bitesize installments.  No longer can I read a book in one seating.  Bing watching streaming has become mandatory, since I no longer can wait a week between episodes.  

As a writer I lament the passing of the days when concentration was a given ability.  Even writing this short blog post requires effort. 

Anyone else experiencing this.  

Monday, July 4, 2022


A Moral Dilemma

I didn't intend to have abortion play a  role in my last novel, but with an organic plot it became apparent my characters would have to deal with this situation.  Of course, there was no way I could remain neutral on the subject thus the story arc reflected my belief.

Today, in the United States, abortion is a divisive subject eliciting strong emotions from both proponents and opponents.  I believe that one hundred years ago artificially ending a pregnancy caused the same feelings.  In my third novel, Slogans: Our Children, Our Future, I broached the subject when a very young village girl became pregnant and one of my characters, Kataya, begged her sister Akulina to intervene and terminate the girl's condition.


“Will you do it, Lena? The child's desperate.”

Akulina stepped back from her sister and crossed herself. “I cannot. What you ask is black art. It's forbidden.”

“Lena, it's no longer forbidden. Several in my battalion had one. The government no longer has laws against it.”

“I'm not talking about your government, Kataya. I'm speaking of God and He forbids killing the unborn.”

“Your god forbids?” Kataya moved closer hammering words as a boxer does his blows. “Look around Lena. If your god should forbid anything it's children being born into this place so they can die before their first summer. Is that what your god wants, another Luka?”

 * * *

From this dialog one quickly grasps the opposing perspectives of the two sisters.  Kataya, the younger sister has a secular view of the procedure, while Akulina adheres to teachings of their faith seeing abortion as the ultimate sin.  Kataya's reference to the untimely death of Akulina's son, Luka, is a low blow meant to cause a rift between Akulina and her God.

Later Akulina reflects on the problem no longer seeing the issue in black and white, but rather shades of gray. As her mind grapples with the subject, both alternatives vie with multiple arguments causing Akulina to eventually seek divine guidance.

* * *

That night, the izbah was quiet, too quiet. Akulina lay awake staring at the ceiling and listening to a far off howl. She tried to blank her mind, but only succeeded in recalling events best forgotten. She remembered her mother's oath to use the potion only to save life and the anguish her mother felt when two women she denied help died in childbirth. But what of the four who pleaded to end their pregnancy but bore children they loved? And what of those who visited and then mysteriously miscarried?

Finally, Akulina rose and guided by the candle's glow went and knelt before the ikon of Jesus the Protector. In her own Gethsemane she prayed for direction, but she knew she had already chosen her path.

* * * 

Akulina reaches her decision and performs the unthinkable.  I wrote the following scene without explicitly identifying Akulina.  By this I intended to show Akulina looked upon the act as an out of body experience thus removing herself as far away as possible. 

* * *

Five days later, as harbingers of heavy snow scudded across the moon's brilliance, a figure cloaked in black slunk through Unkurda toward the Staroverok burial ground. In its left hand it carried a mattock and in the crook of its right arm was a small white bundle. The figure scurried from shadow to shadow and avoided places where the moonlight betrayed it. Upon reaching the cemetery it paused and scanned the plots before moving toward the murdered holy man’s grave. Once there it lowered the bundle and began to scoop away the snow to reveal the earth below.


Akulina tried to salve her conscience by baptizing the baby and burying her in consecrated ground, but her actions gnawed at her until the fall harvest.  Among the citizens conscripted to help the villagers in the harvest was a priest.  During his free time, the he performed many religious functions including confession. Akulina went to him for absolution, not knowing whether it would be granted or not.


The tearful woman who sat opposite him was old before her age. Her face, which once may have graced a portrait, now reflected the deep furrows etched by cold winters and hot summers. The skin beneath her eyes were darkened and sagged by sadness, and yet her blue orbs still retained the sparkle of life. In a trembling voice she poured out her story of her sin and begged for forgiveness. It was a story that once may have repulsed the good priest and forced him to deny absolution. But that was once.

* * *

At first the priest wanted to turn Akulina away, but after much soul searching he agreed to offer her the sacrament.  

* * *

The woman grabbed the priest's sleeve. “Father you must forgive me. I will do whatever penance you wish. Anything. Please.”

“Mother, it is not for me to forgive you for Christ Jesus has already forgiven you. Do you think He suffered just for those who commit minor sins? No, my dear woman. He shed his blood and poured out His grace for everyone. Especially for you.”

The woman dropped her head into her hands and wept.

“Do not cry, for your sins are forgiven. And as for penance, I believe you have suffered enough.”

 * * *

From these scenes I hoped to show abortion is not something to be taken lightly.  Like Akulina, I believe there is just too much gray in terminating a pregnancy to be subjected to the absolute whims or deep thoughts of anyone.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Those Who Forget the Past



 August 1914

 I hope the world does not follow the route our forefathers traveled over one hundred years ago.  Did the population back then follow the events leading to world war and realize what was happening?  Are we repeating their steps?  Unfortunately, this excerpt from Banners: For God, Tsar and Russia seems to indicate "Yes."

* * *

Austria made demands of Serbia to atone for the death of Archduke Ferdinand. Serbia refused to consider the demands and Russia stood by Serbia against Austria. Germany had an agreement with Austria to aid her against Russia. France and Great Britain were allies of Russia, and Italy was honor-bound with Germany, Austria, and Turkey. Treaties signed by old men in high top hats, colorful sashes and coats with tails now meant something. The handshaking and posing for photographers and newsreel cameramen were to have guaranteed peace, but instead the treaties wove a web that snared the signers and held them in an inescapable trap. The nations of Europe, strung together by forgotten treaties and misbegotten agreements, were going to war.

* * *



Monday, February 28, 2022

A Russian Invasion - One Century Ago


Does One Hundred Years Make a Difference?

During the early days of Russia's 2022 invasion Ukraine a captured young Russian soldier was interviewed on social media.  He stated that he expected to greeted as a liberator.  Instead the Ukrainians met him with force. bloodied his regiment and captured him.  The poor kid looked shakened and confused.  His image and story was just what I had imagined for my character after a battle that occurred over one hundred years ago.

Ukraine - 2022

Does history repeat itself? Apparently so.  One portion of my novel Slogans: Our Children Our Future, deals with the Russian-Polish War.  In this chapter, young Igor Garous is captured by Polish army during the Battle for Warsaw.  In this scene, Igor realizes he had been lied to and he was not on the side of the righteous.


Igor ducked his head in time to dodge the flying chunk of feces. The man sloughing behind him was not so fortunate.

“Death to you Russian pigs,” the children yelled in halting Russian as they prepared to fire another volley into the hapless prisoners. Their words were the least vile of the many taunts and insults hurled at him since his capture. Igor was still haunted by the old woman who leapt from the crowd and shook her fist in his face. “Bastard.” she screamed. “Filthy bastard. You killed my son.” Some of the words hurled by the Polish peasants were not familiar, but Igor got the message.

Igor continued to trudge along with his head down and his shoulders bent. This was not how he envisioned his entrance into Warsaw. Instead of the oppressed masses waving flowers and cheering him as a liberator, the crowds lining the route pelted him with insults, trash, and the occasional horse turd.

The More Things Change

Like the captured Russian in Ukraine, Igor is faced with reality.


Before the battle the political commissar had preached the Polish rulers were hated aristocrats profiting from the sweat of the masses. He assured Igor the workers and farmers would rise up and aid the Red Army in its righteous conquest. Instead, the poor had flocked to the defense of their nation. Before the defeat, Igor had never doubted Communist cause, but now his faith was cracking like a frozen lake in early May.

It is often said the first casualty of war is truth.  So true.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

MoreThan An Introduction

             The IKON trilogy began on 27 July 1988 as a short sketch entitled "The Portrait." I jotted the the first words down on paper on the first leg of a flight to Australia aboard TWA flight 175.  All I had in mind were a few paragraphs describing the old family portrait hanging in my basement. But before my writing was complete, it was obsolete.  The scope of the portrait's story had increased with each character until I had a mammoth undertaking worthy of the great Tolstoy.
             While "The Portrait" no longer worked as stand alone project, it did work well as an introduction to the three novels spanning Russian-American history from 1905 to 1931.  It's been over six years since I finished the last novel and for the first time in years I read all three with fresh eyes.  It was after I finished the introduction to the third book, "Slogans: Our Children, Our Future" that I realized the introduction's final paragraph was prophetic and quite eloquently described my writing style.

IKONs covers three generations and is worldwide in scope.  My method to tell the story was via a relay team.  Each chapter or a paragraph was devoted to a character carrying the plot forward. Both major and minor characters contributed to moving the story ahead a day, a month or a year.  This writing method may be confusing, but I was hoping my readers would grasp the rhythm and enjoy the story through multiple POVs. If nothing else, the last paragraph in the introduction would serve as a warning or preview of what was to come. 

 The Introduction ends with the following lines:  

Slowly the stories behind the portrait and the emotions they evoked were revealed like a puzzle with hundreds of pieces. Some pieces fit perfectly; others needed force. Some were clearly defined while others were so timeworn, that their murky contributions were barely legible. All the pieces were there. They just needed someone to put them together.


IKONS: The Puzzle


Substitute the interlocking puzzle pieces with literary characters and, like an old portrait, the story emerges. My hope is readers will find this method of story telling both educational and enjoyable.




Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Book Trailers: Are They Worth It?

Book Trailers

Ten years ago I attended a writers conference featuring several seminars on publicizing your novel.  One energetic speaker spoke of the use of book trailers to get your work the publicity needed to generate sales.  The product she proposed was the equivalent of movie trailers that peeked the readers interest.  She showed several examples of trailers currently playing on Youtube and other social media platforms.  As a former video producer, I was not that impressed by her products and in my humble opinion could do better.


Making It On My Own

On my drive home I mulled the possibility of creating a trailer for my self-published book, Slogans: Our Children, Our Future. I decided on the POV of my main character looking back on the traumatic events leading up to Slogans.  The next day I went to my now seldom used studio, collected appropriate video and still photos relating to the period of novel, found dramatic music I had the rights to, recorded the narration and in a couple of hours cobbled together a two minute video trailer. 

Slogans: Our Children, Our Future

Impressed by my effort, I rushed the final product out to Youtube and Facebook and waited for the Slogans orders to pour as a result of this gem:

The Results

After waiting a few anxious hours, I began logging on to my site every few hours and following the number of views of my trailer generated - not many, and my sales - none.  The trailer was obviously not an immediate panacea.  

So was it worth it?  In my case, yes.  It cost me nothing, was fun to create, gave me a new experience and, perhaps, even resulted in a sale or two over the next decade.  Would I recommend using a trailer?  Yes, with reservation.  If you can make it yourself, go for it.  Otherwise sign on to and hire someone in Southeast Asia to create a boilerplate video for you at a respectable price.  If someone calls and offers to make a Hollywood version of your novel for several hundred dollars, back off if you write for profit.  Otherwise, hey, go for it.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Some Things Never Change

Grin And Bear It

When I was about 15 years old in the mid-50's I began saving Gin And Bear It cartoons that dealt with the Soviet Union.  While cleaning up the basement I stumbled across the box they were in.  In view of today's news, I found it interesting that political cartoons from over 60 years ago could still strike a chord.  Although the Soviet Union is gone, we still seem fascinated by Russia and their government.  Here are the cartoons my teenage mind thought were worth saving.