Monday, January 18, 2016

The Plot

The basic plot of Ikons: Saint Nichols the Wonder Worker is man against a hostile world.  Since the story is based on history, the sequence of events are set.  However, concrete happenings merely provide the framework upon which my story hangs.  I can still shape the characters and events according to my version of what happened. By combining fact, semi-fact, and fiction an historic narrative can be created.

Fact:  Russia in 1905 was in a state of transition.  The traditional feudal society was giving way to an industrial based urban culture.  The absolute rule of the Tsar had been challenged and peasants, once tied to the land, move to the industrial cities.
Semi-fact:  Massey and Sam leave their domineering father and search for work in the iron works of Belarus.  Massey's experiences in the mill are based on my own.  I worked in a manufacturing plant during summers making ceiling tile.  My ability to add, multiply, divide and subtract got me promoted to assistant foreman.  I gave Massey the same ability.
Fiction: Both brothers find employment with the Glebov Iron Works.  Massey learns a trade and rises through the ranks.  Sam embraces the socialist cause leading to conflict between the two.

Fact: Russia and Japan went to war in 1905.  The war created a demand for iron rails.  Russia was humiliated in defeat.
Fiction: Massey enjoys increased wages from war production and rises in the worker hierarchy.  Sergei follows the war through the railway station telegraph.  Massey believes he can now afford a wife.

Fact:  Massey marries Akulina.
Fiction: Massey and Akulina's courtship is based on the village culture of the period.  The wedding and feast afterwards are culled from weddings I experienced growing up in Rockdale, Illinois.  Akulina's problem adjusting to life outside the village is a combination of events I've read about or experienced.

Fact: Peace brings a down turn in production resulting in wide spread layoffs.  Riots and strikes spread across Belarus and the government cracks down hard.
Fiction: Massey inadvertently takes part in a riot and he and Akulina are forced to flee back to Hutava.  Pure fiction since I have no experience with a riot.

Fact: Massey immigrates to America via Canada and finds employment in the steel mill.  I have since learned he did not leave by himself, but traveled with three other men from the village to the promised land. 
Fiction: Massey sails on the SS Arabia and arrives in Ellis Island.  After Ellis Island, Massey and his new-found friends travel by train to Rockdale where they find work in the Wire Mill.  Massey plans for a family life in America when he finds out he is a father.

Fact: Massey's son dies and he returns to Russia, only to return two years later.
Fiction: Devastated by his sons death, Massey returns to Hutava.  His name his passed on to the secret police as an agitator and he is forced to flee to America.

Fact:  World War begins in 1914.
Fiction: In the final chapter Akulina foresees the coming war as she harvests onions.

Ikons ends at this point and the story continues in Banners.

ADDITIONAL NOTE:  If you want to find out about your family's history, write a book based on them.  Relatives and friends will come out of the woodwork to tell you what you got wrong.

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